Thursday, December 11, 2008

I love falin

Come on January 20th. Man am I glad McSame Failin did not win. When I read the Palin: wrong woman, wrong message story, it became clear just how bad she was for America. Now before any resentful republicans send me hate mail lent me just say this. I think john McCain is a good guy and would have made in any other year, where the stakes were not so high, a decent president. That is saying a lot from me. But choosing Palin as his running was the worst decision of his campaign. Palin, in my opinion, makes all women look bad. She is basically Bush with a Bush. She does not know very much about the issues nor does she care. Throughout the campaign she just focused on an old republican strategy. Calling your opponent a liberal like it was a bad word. All I remember her saying is that Obama's a socialist, he wants to distribute the wealth. He will tax you to death and he might be a terrorist because he served on a board with one. This, by the way is like Rush Limbaugh calling John McCain a liberal because he served in the Senate with democrats. Palin's use of old republican attack strategies made it seem like she knew nothing about the issues. She just took and continues to take every opertunity she had to make herself out to be a red neck. It scared me because, if John McCain were to dye and he could, he has almost reached the average life expectancy, then America would have a president that could not be taken seriously, kind of like bush today. And today with so much wrong in this country we need a president that is smart, not someone that goes to a witch doctor

*Yes, I know that last point is not fare but she is still an idiot.

Sarah Palin [Sarah Palin]. Digital image. Extreme Mortman. 30 Aug. 2008. Extreme Mortman. 11 Dec. 2008 .

Ps. sorry for the fugly font i don't know how to fix it.


At December 11, 2008 at 2:27 PM , Blogger Paul G. said...

"Bush with a bush?" This is a professional blog, right?


What can I do? Class is almost over. Keep blogging and expressing yourself

At December 11, 2008 at 3:51 PM , Blogger Jeff Fredericks said...

sorry, I thought that since the instructions for the revised diagnostic essay said don't hold back that it would apply here. you should teach 112.


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